The Jewish Cemetery in Mollegade (Cph.)

Burials in Section E Row nb. 9 with Benjamin Moses

Burials of a row normally follow a strict chronological order broken only by a few "late" burials where surviving relatives have reserved neighbouring places. An empty place (or "unknown" burial) may indicate that the place for some reason was never used as planned. So far it is important to study neighbouring burials from a genealogical point of view.

SurnameGiven NameInfo.YearPosition[*]NoteCross-ref.
[*] State: identified= identified stone, not identified= unreadable stone, identified= stone not found, identified= grave/no stone, identified= grave, no exact pos.
MOSES Benjamin, 1822,17.11 03264-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-1-Mlgd identificeret [Dobbeltsten med ægtefælle]I35182 
alias Benjamin FREDERICIA
MOSES Rebekka, f. COHEN (COHN), g. Benjamin, 1823,23.3 03313-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-2-Mlgd identificeret [Dobbeltsten med ægtefælle]I35264 
WALLICH Heiman Amsel, købmand, 1823,20.2 04354-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-3-Mlgd Legat identificeret I22912 
WALLICH Judithe, f. COHEN (COHN), g. Heiman Amsel, 1855,9.7 04358-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-4-Mlgd Legat identificeret I22908 
MEYER Nathan Amsel, købmand, 1823,4.6 03150-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-5-Mlgd Legat identificeret I22832 
alias Nathan Amsel HAUSEN
HENRIQUES Moses Ruben, silke- og klædehandler, 1823,6.6 01647-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-6-Mlgd identificeret [Fejl i JD og kartotek: dødsård 1827]I6275 
alias Moses NASCHE (NASCHOU)
HENRIQUES Rachel, f. HENRIQUES, g. Moses Ruben, 1828,15.3 01651-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-7-Mlgd identificeret I6286 
alias Rachel NASCHE (NASCHOU)
von HALLE Marcus Bendix Wulf, handlende, 1824,13.4 E-9-8-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I34000 
MEYER Kusel, 1823,13.6 E-9-9-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I35085 
alias Zisel SCHOCHET
UNNA Susanne, f. HECKSCHER, g. Joseph, 1823,30.8 04295-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-10-Mlgd identificeret I50844 
ELKAN Baruch, schächter, 1823,1.8 00965-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-11-Mlgd identificeret I33732 
PHILIP Michael, marskandiser, 1823,28.7 03490-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-12-Mlgd identificeret I35380 
ARON (AHRON, AHRENDS) Isak, handlende, 1823,27.9 E-9-13-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I32547 
WULFF (WULF) Benjamin, handlende, 1823,28.9 E-9-14-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I36016 
alias Benjamin BUCHBINDER
LEVY Abraham Joseph, skrædersvend, 1823,2.10 E-9-15-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I5792 
MOSES Bolette, g. Berend, 1823,1.1 03269-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-16-Mlgd identificeret I35187 
BLOCH Nathan Berendt, kattunfabrikør, 1823,3.11 00422-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-17-Mlgd identificeret I32787 
COHEN (COHN) Samuel Wulff, 1823,27.12 E-9-18-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I33603 
alias Samuel Wulff BUCHBINDER
UNNA Birgitte, f. ELKAN, g. Salomon Ascher, 1824,27.1 04249-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-19-Mlgd identificeret [Trykfejl i JD B-9-19]I35854 
UNNA Salomon Ascher, 1826,16.4 04289-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-20-Mlgd identificeret I35855 
HILDESHEIM Mariane, ugift, 1824,26.2 01764-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-21-Mlgd identificeret I34177 
DAVID Birgitte, g. Nathan, 1824,27.2 E-9-22-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I55635 
ISAC (ISAAC, ISAK) Sara, f. MEYER, g. Meyer, 1824,9.3 01856-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-23-Mlgd identificeret I22777 
alias Sara HAUSEN
MOSES Abraham, købmand, Ringsted, 1824,10.3 E-9-24-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I35180 
alias Abraham RINGSTED
COHEN (COHN) Amalie, f. JOSEPH, g. Mendel, 1824,4.4 00578-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-25-Mlgd identificeret I31631 
COHEN (COHN) Mendel, 1831,11.6 00698-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-26-Mlgd identificeret I17232 
VALENTIN Mariane, g. Moses, 1824,12.4 E-9-27-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I35891 
PHILIP Sara, f. ABRAHAM, g. Michael, 1824,12.4 03494-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-28-Mlgd identificeret I35383 
[NN] 04621-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-29-Mlgd ikke identificeret el. fotograferet [Ulæselig sten, hverken i JD eller kartotek]

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