The Jewish Cemetery in Mollegade (Cph.)

Burials in Section G Row nb. 7 with Meyer Nathan Levy

Burials of a row normally follow a strict chronological order broken only by a few "late" burials where surviving relatives have reserved neighbouring places. An empty place (or "unknown" burial) may indicate that the place for some reason was never used as planned. So far it is important to study neighbouring burials from a genealogical point of view.

SurnameGiven NameInfo.YearPosition[*]NoteCross-ref.
[*] State: identified= identified stone, not identified= unreadable stone, identified= stone not found, identified= grave/no stone, identified= grave, no exact pos.
MINDEN Rachel, g. Abraham, 1844,1.7 G-7-1-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I35161 
BRANDES Eduard, barn, 1844,14.7 00440-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGG-7-2-Mlgd identificeret I32808 
GETZEL Therese, f. BINCH, g. Heiman, 1844,14.8 G-7-3-Mlgd 0 ingen sten [Fødenavn mangler i JD]I33897 
HOLLæNDER (HOLLäNDER) Emma, ugift, 1844,14.8 01810-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGG-7-4-Mlgd identificeret I34220 
LEVY Meyer Nathan, juveler, 1844,20.8 02659-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGG-7-5-Mlgd identificeret I14720 
alias Meyer Nathan EMDEN
LEVY Rosalie, g. Meyer Nathan, 1874,22.10 02685-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGG-7-6-Mlgd identificeret I34829 
PEISER Marthe, ugift, kniplingshandlerske, 1844,23.9 03453-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGG-7-7-Mlgd identificeret I14350 
SIMONSEN Hanne, f. LAZER(?), - enke, 1844,1.10 04055-1-1-MG-xxx1955.jpgG-7-8-Mlgd 0 ingen sten [Fødenavn mangler i JD]I35729 
VALENTIN Levin, skomagersvend, 1844,31.10 G-7-9-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I35887 
COHEN (COHN) Isak Lehman, 1844,13.11 G-7-10-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I32966 
JACOBSEN David, købmand, Ålborg, 1844,29.11 02042-1-1-AF-may2013.jpgG-7-11-Mlgd identificeret I34401 
MEYER Henriette Israel, ugift, 1844,5.12 G-7-12-Mlgd 0 ingen sten [Fejl (også i kartotek) G-17-12]I35065 
alias Gitl STRALSUND
NATHAN Salomon Joel, købmand, 1844,15.12 03391-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGG-7-13-Mlgd identificeret [Samson på sten!]I12732 
BLOCH Heyman, handlende, 1844,17.12 G-7-14-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I32779 
HAMM Leo David, historiemaler, 1844,31.12 01425-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGG-7-15-Mlgd identificeret [Trykfejl i JD G-17-15]I34015 
DAVID Benny Nathan, 1845,3.1 00793-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGG-7-16-Mlgd Legat identificeret I22867 
alias Benny Nathan LEIDESDORF
GELIN (GELLIN) Johanne, g. Elias, 1845,6.1 G-7-17-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I33879 
MOSES Michael, handlende, 1845,22.1 G-7-18-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I35184 
alias Michael DOCTOR
LEVIN Abraham, købmand, Lyngby, 1845,24.1 02368-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGG-7-19-Mlgd identificeret [Fejl i JD+kartotek J-17-19]I34651 
alias Abraham LYNGBY
EIBESCHüTZ Sara, ugift, 1845,30.1 00933-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGG-7-20-Mlgd identificeret I32128 
HARTVIGSON Salomon, møller, 1845,1.2 G-7-21-Mlgd ikke fundet I34054 
alias Schlomo ESSEN

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