Danish-Jewish Genealogical Database

You don't have access to DJGDB. SDJH and HGJG members must login here
Or find out how to get access on SDJHs website

Access to the Database

Access to the Danish-Jewish Genealogical Database is reserved for members of SDJH (the Society for Danish Jewish History) which has merged with the former Society for Jewish Genealogy in Denmark, JGS) and JGS' twinned organization HGJG (Hamburger Gesellschaft für Jüdische Genealogie) in Hamburg. Members of these organizations can log in using their email addresses on the link above. The system will automatically email them passwords in case they have not requested any yet.

Anybody can become a member of the two organizations. Application forms for SDJH/JGS is found at SDJHs home page. As soon as the registration fee (currently 100 dkr. annually) is registered, users can request a password using the log-in link above.