Danish-Jewish Genealogical Database

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About Danish-Jewish Genealogical Database. Short Introduction.

This version of the database has been uploaded 2nd of October 2024. It contains 136842 individuals of which SDJH-members and others with access can view 110547.

This is a genealogical database of Danish-Jewish families. The database attempts to encompass all Danish-Jewish families, also families immigrated to Denmark in recent time, together with their ancestry abroad.

2004 Elsebeth Paikin, president of the former Danish Society for Jewish Genealogy (JGS-Denmark, now included in Society for Danish Jewish History, SDJH), suggested that I entered a number of printed Danish-Jewish genealogical tables into a common gedcom database in order to make them accessable for present-day's users and enabling them to study ancestry and descendance in a single database. Many individuals occur in several printed genealogical tables. Besides printed tables also handwritten archives by Josef Fischer and Julius Margolinsky have been used. The printed tables are:

Stamtavle for slægten Oppenheim/Oppenhejm, udarbejdet af Erik Kaj Oppenhejm 1993
Slægten Levin-Fredericia, Josef Fischer Kbh. 1916
Stamtavlen Melchior, Albert Heckscher, Kbh. 1884, heraf en med noter
Stamtavlen Henriques, Ernst Henriques, Kbh. 1903
Stamtavlen Eichel, Josef Fischer, Kbh. 1904
Simon Lazarus og hans efterkommere, Josef Fischer, Kbh. 1911
Hartvig Philip Rée og hans slægt, Josef Fischer, Kbh. 1912
Baruch Israels efterkommere, Josef Fischer, Kbh. 1913
Adolph Hannovers fædrene og mødrene slægt, Martin Ad. Hannover, Kbh. 1914
Simon Isac Kalkar og hans slægt, Josef Fischer, Kbh. 1917
Familien Hausen, Josef Fischer Kbh. 1917, Særtryk
Abraham Elias og hans efterkommere, Josef Fischer, Kbh. 1918
Familien Philipsen i Pilestræde, Th. Hauch-Fausbøll, Kbh. 1920
Mannheimer, Josef Fischer Kbh. 1922, Årstal usikkert. Maskinskrevet torso
Jacob Simonsen og Hustru Rose født Hahn og deres forfædre, Josef Fischer, Kbh. 1923
Slægten Salomonsen, Josef Fischer, Kbh. 1927
Levin Marcus Hartvigs efterkommere, Michael Hartvig, Kbh. 1928
Jonas Wolff Seligmann og hustru, Sara Lorentzens efterslægt, J.V.E. Seligmann Horsens, 1930
Goldschmidt-Oldenburg, Eduard Duckesz, Altona 1930. Årstallet usikkert.
Salom Salomonsen, Rudolf Simonis, Stockholm 1940, Maskinskrevet
Louis Meyer, Sivert Gunst, Kbh. 1943
Margolinsky fra Filipove, Jul. Margolinsky, Stockholm 1944
Oldefar Bing og hans børn, Otto Bing, Kbh. 1945
Slægten Lucas, Josef Fischer Kbh. 1948
Stamtavlen Henriques 1725-1948, Jul. Margolinsky, Kbh. 1949
En Nakskov slægt, Josef Fischer, Kbh. 1949
Slægten Wulff, Michael Hartvig, Kbh. 1953
Die Familie Goldschmidt-Oldenburg, Gerhard Ballin Seesen, 1975
Forgotten fragments, Henry Frænkel, Kbh. 1999
Stamtavle Abraham Moses, Georg Hertz
Stamtavle for Købmand Moses Samson og hans Efterkommere udgivet J. Gusmer, Fredericia 1945/46
Julius Margolinskys kartotekskort (omtalt i forordet til "Jødiske Dødsfald...")
Josef Fischers arkivalia (Rigsarkivets privatarkiv nr. 10.411 pakke 1.149 til 1.156)
J. C. E. Michaelsen og hustrus forfædre
Inuk Luplau Janssen: Mendel Levin Nathanson og hans Slægt med Anetavle og Stamtavle, Kbh. 1960
Steffen Borup: Mendel Levin Nathanson og hustru Ester f. Herfort - og deres efterkommere 1780-1980, Kbh. 1981
Hans Metzon: Mine Forfædre, Skive 1956
Hans Metzon: Slægten Metz fra Randers, et 175 års minde
Stamtavle over Familien Wulff af Stubbekjøbing, ved P.R. Siersted, Odense 1904
Christian Møller Nielsens erindringer fra Vestindien 1905-1907
Dansk Data Arkiv - Folketællinger
Epidat (Steinheim-Institut)
Div. off. web-sites
Arkivalia i Hamburg, oplyst af Hamburger Gesellschaft für Jüdische Genealogie

Additionally, a number of individual genealogists has contributed to the database. These genealogists are mentioned as sources in the notes of the individuals they have given information about.

Currently the database encompasses 136842 individuals, however due to legal issues only 110547 are acessable from this site. Only persons born for 100 years or earlier are shown. Only members of Society for Danish Jewish History (Selskabet for Dansk Jødisk Historie), Hamburger Gesellschaft für Jüdische Genealogie (HGJG), and a few invited "guests" have access to the database.

Allan Falk, Copenhagen Feb. 2014