The Jewish Cemetery in Randers

Burials in Row nb. 1

2D plot
red dot=tombstone, blue dot=grave without tombstone or with the tombstone placed elsewhere

picture 00000-A1-5-1-TB-sep2010.JPG
Row nb. 1 Photo TB sep. 2010

SurnameGiven NameInfo.YearPosition[*]NoteCross-ref.
[*] State: identified= identified stone, not identified= unreadable stone, identified= stone not found, identified= grave/no stone, identified= grave, no exact pos.
SAMUEL Philip, kantor og schächter, f. 1783 i Mittendorff, Posen, 1851,30.12 00277-5-1-TB-sep2010.JPG1-1-Rnd identificeret I36406 
BERNBURG Moses, købmand fra Kbh. Død i Århus, 1816,4.6 1-1-Rnd 0 ingen sten I36230 
SAMUEL Sara, f. EMANUEL, g. Philip, f. 1782 i Stockholm, 1855,17.5 00278-5-1-TB-sep2010.JPG1-2-Rnd identificeret [Trykfejl i JD f. Emauel]I36407 
HEINEMANN Henriette, f. LEVIN, g. Gerson, 89 år, 1859,6.3 00079-5-1-TB-sep2010.JPG1-3-Rnd identificeret I36122 
HEINEMANN Gerson Heiman, købmand, 68 år, fra Bückeburg, 1841,10.4 00077-5-1-TB-sep2010.JPG1-4-Rnd identificeret I36120 
alias Gerschon BüCKEBURG
SAMSON Nathan, handelsmand i Viborg, 61 år, 1838,7.12 00273-5-1-TB-sep2010.JPG1-5-Rnd identificeret I36402 
ISAC (ISAAC, ISAK) Lazarus, købmand i Viborg, 78 år, 1834,29.7 00081-5-1-TB-sep2010.JPG1-6-Rnd identificeret I22789 
WULFF (WULF) Israel Carl, klædefabrikant, f. 17.9.1761 i Fredericia, 1826,5.11 00333-5-1-TB-sep2010.JPG1-7-Rnd identificeret I9785 
JACOBI (JACOBY) Eduard, barn. S. af Jacob M.J. f. 6.5.1843, 1844,31.10 00094-5-1-TB-sep2010.JPG1-8-Rnd identificeret I36283 
BLOCH Abraham Samuel Levi, købmand, 48 år, f. i Sobbertau, Bøhmen, 1827,27.9 00027-5-1-TB-sep2010.JPG1-9-Rnd identificeret I36236 
alias Abraham Samuel Levi BøHM
METZ Moses Abraham, kbm. i Fredericia, Randers, 99 år, f. i Altona, 1827,16.11 00166-5-1-TB-sep2010.JPG1-10-Rnd Legat identificeret I9805 
METZ Sarah, f. BENDIX, g. Moses Abraham, 85 år, f. i Fredericia, 1842,10.7 00173-5-1-TB-sep2010.JPG1-11-Rnd Legat identificeret I9806 
NATHAN Krese, f. JULIUS, g. Michael Minden, 102 år (?), 1845,5.6 00214-5-1-TB-sep2010.JPG1-12-Rnd identificeret I36373 

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