The Jewish Cemetery in Fredericia

Burials in Section B Row nb. 1

2D plot
red dot=tombstone, blue dot=grave without tombstone or with the tombstone placed elsewhere

picture 00000-B1-8-1-TB-jul2010.JPG
Row nb. 1 in section B Photo TB jul. 2010

SurnameGiven NameInfo.YearPosition[*]NoteCross-ref.
[*] State: identified= identified stone, not identified= unreadable stone, identified= stone not found, identified= grave/no stone, identified= grave, no exact pos.
DANZIGER Hirsch Aron, fra Halberstadt, 1798,15.4 00093-8-1-TB-jul2010.JPGB-1-1-Frdr identificeret I36607 
MARCUS Marcus Abraham, ugift, 1798,19.7 B-1-2-Frdr 0 ingen sten I36727 
alias Marcus Abraham WIESBADEN
GEDALIA en tilrejsende, 1799,25.8 B-1-3-Frdr 0 ingen sten I64603 
COHEN (COHN) Daniel, lærer hos lsr. C. Wulff, 1799,30.3 B-1-4-Frdr 0 ingen sten I36572 
VALENTIN Arent, 1799,13.5 00374-8-1-TB-jul2010.JPGB-1-5-Frdr identificeret I9776 
ISAC (ISAAC, ISAK) Mirjam, f. MEYER, g. Lazarus I., d. i Viborg, 1800,5.9 B-1-6-Frdr 0 ingen sten [Fødenavn mangler i JD]I22784 
MARCUS Levy, meninghedsforstander, f. ca. 1740, 1800,3.5 00262-8-1-TB-jul2010.JPGB-1-7-Frdr identificeret [Dobbeltsten med ægtefælle]I36724 
alias Leib WIESBADEN
MARCUS Hanne, g. Levy (Wiesbaden), f. ca. 1743, 1802,16.2 00259-8-1-TB-jul2010.JPGB-1-8-Frdr identificeret [Dobbeltsten med ægtefælle]I36723 
LEVYSOHN Rachel, f. MARCUSSEN, g. Mayer Nathan , kirkebetjent, 76 år, 1842,20.9 B-1-9-Frdr 0 ingen sten I36719 

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