The Jewish Cemetery in Fredericia

Burials in Section B Row nb. 9

2D plot
red dot=tombstone, blue dot=grave without tombstone or with the tombstone placed elsewhere

picture 00000-B9-8-1-TB-jul2010.JPG
Row nb. 9 in section B Photo TB jul. 2010

SurnameGiven NameInfo.YearPosition[*]NoteCross-ref.
[*] State: identified= identified stone, not identified= unreadable stone, identified= stone not found, identified= grave/no stone, identified= grave, no exact pos.
FRIEDBURG (FRIEDBORG) Frederikke, d. af Aron F., 1825,20.5 00125-8-1-TB-jul2010.JPGB-9-1-Frdr identificeret I36626 
BERENDSEN (BERENTSEN) Amalie, f. GOLDSCHMIDT, g. Philip , barn, 1817,8.6 B-9-2-Frdr 0 ingen sten I36561 
BALLIN Joel Joseph, købmand i Horsens, f. 1751 i Bowenden, Hannover, 1817,1.11 00007-8-1-TB-jul2010.JPGB-9-3-Frdr identificeret I14630 
BENDIX Esther, g. Abraham, 70 år, 1819,25.1 B-9-4-Frdr 0 ingen sten I36554 
BEERMANN Wulff Baruch, talmudist, lærer, 79 år, 1848,28.12 B-9-4-Frdr 0 ingen sten I36544 
DESSAUER barn af Moses D. i Ribe, 1819 B-9-5-Frdr 0 ingen sten I60096 
COHEN (COHN) Sara, f. VALENTIN, g. Abraham Lazarus, 72 år, 1819,14.7 00087-8-1-TB-jul2010.JPGB-9-6-Frdr identificeret I36601 
RéE Israel Hartvig, købmand, f. ca. 1740, 1819,2.10 00329-8-1-TB-jul2010.JPGB-9-7-Frdr identificeret I17670 
HENRIQUES Isaac Ruben, hosekræmmer fra Kbh., 53 år, f. i Kbh., 1819,18.10 B-9-8-Frdr 0 ingen sten I36640 
MEYER Wulff, købmand i Kolding, f. 1775, 1820,5.5 00292-8-1-TB-jul2010.JPGB-9-10-Frdr identificeret I2659 
COHEN (COHN) Abraham Salomon, kld. Abraham Garver, 64 år, 1842,21.2 B-9-11-Frdr 0 ingen sten I36568 
alias Abraham Salomon GARVER (GERBER)

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