The Jewish Cemetery in Mollegade (Cph.)

Burials in Section C Row nb. 1

2D plot
red dot=tombstone, blue dot=grave without tombstone or with the tombstone placed elsewhere

picture 00000-C1-1-1-TB-apr2011.JPG
Row nb. 1 in section C Photo TB apr. 2011

SurnameGiven NameInfo.YearPosition[*]NoteCross-ref.
[*] State: identified= identified stone, not identified= unreadable stone, identified= stone not found, identified= grave/no stone, identified= grave, no exact pos.
BAUER Moses, handlende, 1815,17.2 C-1-1-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I32624 
BERLIN Bolette, g. Simon Simonsen, 1815,27.2 C-1-2-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I32740 
BEREND (BEHREND, BEHRENDT) Josel, handlende, 1815,9.3 C-1-3-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I32716 
alias Josel NASCHE (NASCHOU)
WULFF (WULF) Abraham, købmand, 1815,14.3 C-1-4-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I22986 
alias Abraham MOISLING
WEEL Isak Israel, kødhandler, 1815,17.3 04422-1-1-TB-apr2011.JPGC-1-5-Mlgd identificeret I35955 
WEEL Galathea, f. ELEASAR , g. Isak Israel, 1833,14.5 04418-1-1-TB-apr2011.JPGC-1-6-Mlgd identificeret [Fødenavn mangler i JD]I35954 
LEVY Gertrud, f. ISRAEL, g. Samuel, 1815,3.4 C-1-7-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I17660 
GOLDSCHMIDT Eva, f. MOSES, g. Aron, 1815,14.4 C-1-8-Mlgd 0 ingen sten [Fødenavn mangler i JD]I33917 
HERTZ (HIRSCH) Bine, g. Michael, 1815,16.4 01687-1-1-TB-apr2011.JPGC-1-9-Mlgd identificeret I34127 
WALLICH Abraham Lazarus, handlende, 1815,22.4 C-1-10-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I35905 
ABRAHAM Alexander, frislagter, 1815,11.5 00009-1-1-TB-apr2011.JPGC-1-11-Mlgd identificeret I32452 
NATHANSON Judith, f. RUBEN, g. Joel Levin, 1815,17.5 03401-1-1-TB-apr2011.JPGC-1-12-Mlgd ikke identificeret el. fotograferet I13957 
alias Judith HELSINGøR
COHEN (COHN) Feige, g. Lehmann, 1815,15.6 C-1-13-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I55549 
WULFF (WULF) Moses Baruch, barn, 1815,15.6 C-1-14-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I36058 
alias Moses Baruch SCHOCHET
SALOMON Rachel, g. Esra, 1815,3.7 03786-1-1-TB-apr2011.JPGC-1-15-Mlgd identificeret I35572 
REIS Benjamin, Göteborg, 1815,3.7 C-1-16-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I35467 
RUBEN Michael Ephraim, købmand, 1815,6.7 03701-1-1-TB-apr2011.JPGC-1-17-Mlgd identificeret [Har byttet plads m. C-1-18 ]I12740 
alias Michael Ephraim HELSINGøR
PEINE Lea, f. NATHAN, g. Philip, 1815,7.7 03445-1-1-TB-apr2011.JPGC-1-18-Mlgd identificeret [Har byttet plads m. C-1-17]I35350 
LEVY Efraim Abraham, markør, 1815,10.7 02560-1-1-TB-apr2011.JPGC-1-19-Mlgd ikke identificeret el. fotograferet I34767 
alias Efraim Abraham KRäTZWäSCHER
NATHANSON Nathan, handelsbetjent, 1815,13.7 C-1-20-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I35320 
alias Nathan FREDERICIA
SCHIFF Jacob Moses, konst.stadsmægler, 1815,16.7 03957-1-1-TB-apr2011.JPGC-1-21-Mlgd Legat identificeret I16991 
GABRIEL Bolette, ugift, 1815,20.7 C-1-22-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I33858 
alias Bolette SCHWERIN
ISAC (ISAAC, ISAK) Salomon, købmand, 1815,21.7 01855-1-1-TB-apr2011.JPGC-1-23-Mlgd identificeret I11604 
alias Salomon MOISLING
MENTZ Jette, g. Philip, 1815,5.8 C-1-24-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I34996 
HAAG Hinde, f. HERTZ, g. Abraham Jacob, 1815,17.8 C-1-25-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I15346 
MEYER Jacob Abraham, musikant, 1815,4.9 03089-1-1-TB-apr2011.JPGC-1-26-Mlgd identificeret I35044 
UNNA Marcus Isac, hosekræmmer, 1815,17.9 04275-1-1-TB-apr2011.JPGC-1-27-Mlgd ikke identificeret el. fotograferet I14267 
HAUROWITZ Mindel, f. COHEN (COHN), g. Valentin Samuel, 1815,19.9 C-1-28-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I22457 

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