The Jewish Cemetery in Randers

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4 known burials since 1807
2D plot
red dot=tombstone, blue dot=grave without tombstone or with the tombstone placed elsewhere

Burials in 1807:
SurnameGiven NameInfo.YearPosition[*]NoteCross-ref.
[*] State: identified= identified stone, not identified= unreadable stone, identified= stone not found, identified= grave/no stone, identified= grave, no exact pos.
HEINEMANN Henny, barn, d. af Gerson H., 1807,11.2 3-6-Rnd 0 ingen sten I36267 
LEVIN Nathan, barn, søn af Jacob L., 1807,16.3 3-6a-Rnd 0 ingen sten I36317 
WULFF (WULF) Sara, barn, d. af Israel Carl W., 1807,6.4 3-5a-Rnd 0 ingen sten I9798 
WULFF (WULF) Berendt (Beer), barn, s. af Israel Carl, 1807,17.5 3-5-Rnd 0 ingen sten I9799 

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