Danish-Jewish Funerals and Tombstones until 1886

Persons with the surname/nick name/maiden name Franco

SurnameGiven NameInfo.YearPosition[*]NoteCross-ref.
[*] State: identified= identified stone, not identified= unreadable stone, identified= stone not found, identified= grave/no stone, identified= grave, no exact pos.
FRANCO Jacob, tobakshandler, 1711,20.9 01034-1-1-AF-sep2010.jpgX-8-65-14-Mlgd identificeret I33788 
FRANCO Jacob Aron, barn, 1722,31.1 01035-1-1-JP-jun2010.JPGX-7-35-17-Mlgd identificeret [Sefardisk]I33790 
FRANCO Luna, g. Jacob, 1716,20.9 01036-1-1-JP-jun2010.JPGX-6-38-16-Mlgd identificeret I33789 

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