The Jewish Cemetery in Mollegade (Cph.)

Burials in Section E Row nb. 10

2D plot
red dot=tombstone, blue dot=grave without tombstone or with the tombstone placed elsewhere

picture 00000-E10-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPG
Row nb. 10 in section E Photo AF apr. 2011

SurnameGiven NameInfo.YearPosition[*]NoteCross-ref.
[*] State: identified= identified stone, not identified= unreadable stone, identified= stone not found, identified= grave/no stone, identified= grave, no exact pos.
WALLICH Esperance, f. WESSELY, g. Lazarus, 1825,27.2 04345-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-10-1-Mlgd identificeret I35912 
WALLICH Lazarus Wulf, vekselerer, 1822,25.2 04360-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-10-2-Mlgd identificeret I370 
JACOBSEN Nathan, handlende, 1822,30.3 E-10-3-Mlgd 0 ingen sten [Forkert årstal (1832) i JD]I22851 
alias Nathan MOISLING
HERSCHEL Hanne, f. HERTZ, g. Levin, 1822,6.7 01672-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-10-4-Mlgd Legat identificeret I32303 
HERTZ (HIRSCH) Bella, ugift, 1822,12.9 E-10-5-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I34124 
alias Bella NASCHE (NASCHOU)
HARTVIG (HARTIG) Rose, f. von ESSEN, g. Jacob, 1822,18.9 01484-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-10-6-Mlgd identificeret [Trykfejl i JD E-10-16]I34039 
DAVID Merle/Mariane, f. DAVID, g. Heiman, 1822,3.10 00816-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-10-7-Mlgd identificeret I17383 
HEYMAN (HEYMANN) Israel, købmand, 1822,9.10 01744-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-10-8-Mlgd identificeret I55761 
alias Israel ESSEN
FALK David, handlende, Slagelse, 1822,7.11 E-10-9-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I33759 
LEVY Mariane, ugift, 1822,28.11 E-10-10-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I34824 
alias Merle EMDEN
LICHTENSTEDT Hanne Abraham, tjenestepige, 1822,16.12 E-10-11-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I34854 
LEVY Rebekka, f. PHILIP, g. Jacob Abraham, 1822,24.12 E-10-12-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I34834 
LEVIN Esther, g. Mendel, 1823,12.1 E-10-13-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I34678 
JACOBSEN Salomon, handlende, 1823,25.1 02145-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-10-14-Mlgd identificeret [Trykfejl i JD B-10-14]I34415 
alias Salman MOISLING
MEYER Golda, ugift, 1823,3.2 E-10-15-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I35054 
alias Golda PRäGER
WARBURG Rachel, f. MEYER, 1823,10.2 E-10-16-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I35937 
FISCHER Nathan, urmager, 1823,20.2 E-10-17-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I33779 
CANTOR Raphael Levin, handlende, 1823,5.3 00561-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-10-18-Mlgd identificeret I32299 
JACOBSEN Samuel, møbelhandler, 1823,16.3 02146-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-10-19-Mlgd identificeret I34478 
alias Samuel MECHLENBORG
JACOBSEN Sara, f. LEVY, g. Samuel, 1858,1.6 02152-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-10-20-Mlgd identificeret [Fødenavn mangler i JD]I34482 
ISAC (ISAAC, ISAK) Braine, f. STERN, g. Levin, 1823,18.3 01830-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-10-21-Mlgd identificeret I34238 
ISAC (ISAAC, ISAK) Levin, købmand, Stockholm, 1830,10.8 01843-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-10-22-Mlgd identificeret I34249 
alias Leib NORRKöPING
MEYER Nathan Levin, købmand, 1823,24.3 03151-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-10-23-Mlgd identificeret I22804 
alias Nathan Levin HAUSEN
BAUER Abraham, sanger, 1823,25.4 00205-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-10-24-Mlgd identificeret I27542 
ARON (AHRON, AHRENDS) Regina, f. LATZER, g. Benjamin, 1823,14.5 00143-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-10-25-Mlgd identificeret I17159 
CANTOR Moses Levin, handlende, 1823,18.5 00557-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-10-26-Mlgd identificeret I8988 
HARTVIG (HARTIG) Berendt Marcus, slagter, Hillerød, 1823,24.5 01438-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-10-27-Mlgd identificeret I392 

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