The Jewish Cemetery in Mollegade (Cph.)

Burials in Section E Row nb. 9

2D plot
red dot=tombstone, blue dot=grave without tombstone or with the tombstone placed elsewhere

picture 00000-E9-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPG
Row nb. 9 in section E Photo AF apr. 2011

SurnameGiven NameInfo.YearPosition[*]NoteCross-ref.
[*] State: identified= identified stone, not identified= unreadable stone, identified= stone not found, identified= grave/no stone, identified= grave, no exact pos.
MOSES Benjamin, 1822,17.11 03264-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-1-Mlgd identificeret [Dobbeltsten med ægtefælle]I35182 
alias Benjamin FREDERICIA
MOSES Rebekka, f. COHEN (COHN), g. Benjamin, 1823,23.3 03313-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-2-Mlgd identificeret [Dobbeltsten med ægtefælle]I35264 
WALLICH Heiman Amsel, købmand, 1823,20.2 04354-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-3-Mlgd Legat identificeret I22912 
WALLICH Judithe, f. COHEN (COHN), g. Heiman Amsel, 1855,9.7 04358-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-4-Mlgd Legat identificeret I22908 
MEYER Nathan Amsel, købmand, 1823,4.6 03150-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-5-Mlgd Legat identificeret I22832 
alias Nathan Amsel HAUSEN
HENRIQUES Moses Ruben, silke- og klædehandler, 1823,6.6 01647-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-6-Mlgd identificeret [Fejl i JD og kartotek: dødsård 1827]I6275 
alias Moses NASCHE (NASCHOU)
HENRIQUES Rachel, f. HENRIQUES, g. Moses Ruben, 1828,15.3 01651-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-7-Mlgd identificeret I6286 
alias Rachel NASCHE (NASCHOU)
von HALLE Marcus Bendix Wulf, handlende, 1824,13.4 E-9-8-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I34000 
MEYER Kusel, 1823,13.6 E-9-9-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I35085 
alias Zisel SCHOCHET
UNNA Susanne, f. HECKSCHER, g. Joseph, 1823,30.8 04295-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-10-Mlgd identificeret I50844 
ELKAN Baruch, schächter, 1823,1.8 00965-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-11-Mlgd identificeret I33732 
PHILIP Michael, marskandiser, 1823,28.7 03490-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-12-Mlgd identificeret I35380 
ARON (AHRON, AHRENDS) Isak, handlende, 1823,27.9 E-9-13-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I32547 
WULFF (WULF) Benjamin, handlende, 1823,28.9 E-9-14-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I36016 
alias Benjamin BUCHBINDER
LEVY Abraham Joseph, skrædersvend, 1823,2.10 E-9-15-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I5792 
MOSES Bolette, g. Berend, 1823,1.1 03269-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-16-Mlgd identificeret I35187 
BLOCH Nathan Berendt, kattunfabrikør, 1823,3.11 00422-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-17-Mlgd identificeret I32787 
COHEN (COHN) Samuel Wulff, 1823,27.12 E-9-18-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I33603 
alias Samuel Wulff BUCHBINDER
UNNA Birgitte, f. ELKAN, g. Salomon Ascher, 1824,27.1 04249-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-19-Mlgd identificeret [Trykfejl i JD B-9-19]I35854 
UNNA Salomon Ascher, 1826,16.4 04289-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-20-Mlgd identificeret I35855 
HILDESHEIM Mariane, ugift, 1824,26.2 01764-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-21-Mlgd identificeret I34177 
DAVID Birgitte, g. Nathan, 1824,27.2 E-9-22-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I55635 
ISAC (ISAAC, ISAK) Sara, f. MEYER, g. Meyer, 1824,9.3 01856-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-23-Mlgd identificeret I22777 
alias Sara HAUSEN
MOSES Abraham, købmand, Ringsted, 1824,10.3 E-9-24-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I35180 
alias Abraham RINGSTED
COHEN (COHN) Amalie, f. JOSEPH, g. Mendel, 1824,4.4 00578-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-25-Mlgd identificeret I31631 
COHEN (COHN) Mendel, 1831,11.6 00698-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-26-Mlgd identificeret I17232 
VALENTIN Mariane, g. Moses, 1824,12.4 E-9-27-Mlgd 0 ingen sten I35891 
PHILIP Sara, f. ABRAHAM, g. Michael, 1824,12.4 03494-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-28-Mlgd identificeret I35383 
[NN] 04621-1-1-AF-apr2011.JPGE-9-29-Mlgd ikke identificeret el. fotograferet [Ulæselig sten, hverken i JD eller kartotek]

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